What is a Fly?

Fly are insects that have a pair of wings and can fly. The most common fly that infest humans are House fly and Fruit fly. Adult Fly are 5-8 mm long, they have a pair of wings, their body is covered with hair, they have spongy mouth and reddish eye.

(house fly)

Fly Larva are also known as maggots, they are white cream in color and cone shape.

(Fruit Fly larva on rotten fruit)

Fly taste their food using their feet. Fly cannot eat solid, they eat by vomiting on solid food to make a solution of it and sucks the liquid. Fly are attracted to food by smell that’s why they are attracted to garbage, manure and rotting organic compound.

(Fly on feasting on manure)

Flies prefer to stay near their habitat that’s why we often see fly hovering around garbage areas. Fly are restless insects that’s why they keep on flying and are good in transferring diseases.

Fly Life Cycle

Fly have 4 life cycles which are Egg, Larva, Pupa and Adult. They built their habitat where food is abundant like garbage, feces and rotting food. Fly only need 8 days to complete its life cycle from egg to adult.

Fly Reproduction

Female fly lay their eggs in warm, moist, organic materials such as manure, garbage, decaying vegetables, fruits and carcass, or soils contaminated with any of these materials for the maggots to have plenty of food and ensure their survival when they hatch. Female Fly can lay up to 150 eggs at a time and a total of 1000 eggs in her lifetime.

(pig carcass with extensive maggot feeding)

Fly Infestation Risk

House fly and Fruit fly are known to carry diseases not through bite but by touching our food and utensils. Since fly mostly prefer to eat rotten food, vegetables and meat from the garbage and other disgusting stuff to us like manure and animal corpse they can transfer any bacteria from their food to ours. They are known to carry diseases such as Diarrhea, food poisoning, Salmonella, E. Coli, Shigella, typhoid fever, cholera and meningitis.

(Fly on rice: human food contamination)

Fly Prevention

Good sanitation is the key in preventing fly infestation. This can be done by removing or limiting their access to any possible breeding ground and food source.

Remove your dog or cat poop right away for the fly not to breed on it.

Trashcan should have tight cover especially in kitchen that have food waste. Garbage should be taken out on a daily basis and wipe out any garbage residue. It’s also a good idea to wash your trashcan once in a while.

This advises will greatly reduce the fly population in your facility,
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Fly Treatment